Pause & Reflect Holistically with Dr. Gee

Introduction by Host: Dr. Gee

We live in a busy world. There is so much that we have to do and so much happening around us. This is why it is important to intentionally take time to pause and reflect on our lives. Taking this time helps us develop the skills to be effective in the rest of our lives. Let’s take some time to pause and reflect today.

Point 1: How has your year gone?

We are almost halfway done with the year. At the beginning of this time, you probably had goals and things you were striving for. How is your progress with those goals? Have you made good progress? Has life gotten away from you? Sometimes, things happen that cause us to change our plans, and that is ok. But if those plans are just ignored, then there is a problem to fix.

Point 2: Comfort Zones

It’s nice to feel safe. I don’t want to wake up early in the morning, it is more comfortable to stay in bed. After we accomplish things, it is tempting to stay in that comfort zone of success. But if you are not forcing yourself to grow, and you only grow when you are uncomfortable, your life will stagnate. Don’t go with the flow. Grow with the flow.

Point 3: Why We Reflect

Reflecting is looking back so that the future will be even better. We want to look back at what we wrote, so that we can be confident moving forward. Looking at your past can be both an encouragement and a warning. Your success can be repeated, but so can your failures. Reflect on your past, so your future will be clearer!

Point 4: Bravery and Goals

When it comes to our goals, fear is the biggest challenge we face. We fear what will happen if we fail. We fear changing our normal routines. We fear what others will think of us. Once you achieve success, however, those people will be applauding you. Your routines will be healthier. And if you fail, you will learn from the failure. Do not be afraid to push yourself to thrive!

Summary/Closing Thoughts

Let me end by encouraging you to look beyond yourself. Life is much more than you, by yourself. We have been called to bigger things on this earth. Stop being so self-conscious, and think of life as the opportunity to serve. Make your world a little bit better today. Life is too short to waste time worrying about what other people think of you. Make the changes you need to make your life thrive!

By Dr. Gee, Success and Holistic Wellness Advocate


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