How to Practice Joyfullness Daily


In a world that seems to thrive on anger and sadness, there are those who are trying to walk a better path. Is it possible to stay joyful, even when it seems difficult? Pharm. Ewoenam Abuabasa joins us today to discuss how she chooses to remain joyful.

Guest Bio

Ewoenam Abuabasa is a pharmacist from Ghana.

Q: How Are You Able to Stay Joyful all the Time?

It was a learned trait. I learned it from my family, especially my maternal side. My grandmother lost her husband at an early age, leaving her with seven children. She told me that, during the sad times, one of her little children was singing a song her husband loved: Count Your Many Blessings. The words of that hymn are very powerful. We can become so engrossed with what we are going through that we forget what we have been through. That is where I learned how to be joyful.

Q: When You Encounter a Challenge, What Do You Practically Do to be Joyful?

  1. Make a Decision to Be Grateful. Sometimes you get into situations and hear stories that weigh you down. We need to be aware that we cannot control every situation we hear about. But one thing I can control is how I react to them. And I think that when you choose to be grateful, it makes these roadblocks bearable. Decide to have an attitude of gratitude.

  2. Watch the Information You Dwell On. Watch what you see and what you listen to, because that is the gate to our souls and hearts. What you put in goes there directly. It’s not what we eat that makes us, but what we spiritually feed our soul. So, I try to feed myself with joyful stuff.

    Every morning, we play gospel music in the house. We just leave it on while we do our chores and get ready for the day. It helps us. Sometimes we go for a slow mood, sometimes a jumpy, dancing mood, but it helps. Through the songs, you get something that keeps you happy throughout the day.

    Writing things and keeping notes and affirmation is also very helpful. If you are the tech type, put them on your phone. You write down things that pop up during the day, and they do make you feel good. Human beings are ruled by what we hear.

  3. Focus on Your Faith. Christ is everything. When you focus on Him, it makes everything you are going through doesn’t really matter, since you know you have Christ and are good. You are on the solid rock. That doesn’t mean you won’t get wet, but you won’t fall.


As I learned from my grandma, being joyful is has become second-nature. When you practice something over and over, it automatically becomes a habit. It’s not like I was born with this. It was a practice that I had to work hard at. But now that it is second-nature to me, it is so easy to see the good in life.

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