How to Practically Thrive with God

Let’s talk about trusting God, not “in” our success journey, but “with” our success journey. We all have goals that we are working on, and, for many of us, we may not be seeing the results yet. This can be very discouraging. Here some encouragement for you to keep moving and to push on with God.

Point 1: Trust the Creator

When you buy a car, you trust the manufacturer. You trust that the manual is going to guide you to use the car in the right way. If you buy a new kitchen appliance, you trust that the people who made the tool know the most effective way to operate it. 

Life works the same way. We did not create the world, but were born into it. Thankfully, we know the One who Created the universe. How about we trust that Person with our journey. Not just on the journey, but trusting Him with the entire package.

Point 2: The Holy Spirit is Our Guide

We all have the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit is meant to guide us. When the Spirit gives you an instinct, do it! Some people have miracles drop at their feet, but others need to take steps of faith in order to see the road ahead. It would be nice if, every time we had questions or doubts, an angel would show up and say “Here is what to do.”


There are many times we do not get direct answers to the questions we are asking God. Thriving with God is about taking action, and trusting that He will guide you in the right direction. Most of the time, when the direction you are heading is the wrong way, the grace of God will guide you off of your current path. However, you have to be the one to take the steps. If you sit and wait for the ‘perfect’ opportunity before moving, you will never move forward. You have to trust God with your success journey. The LORD will help you through.

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