Exploring Self-Identity


Today, we are exploring self-identity. I believe everybody has to learn about this at some point in their lives. Join us today as we discuss this important topic

Point 1: What is Self-Identity?

Self-identity is how you identify yourself. This is what you think about yourself deep down. This is not what other people see in you, but what you see in yourself. It could be based on truth or on lies. You may identify yourself by your job, your ethnicity, your passions, or many other things.

Point 2: Intentionality and Self-Identity

Have you taken the time to think about you? Could the beliefs and the ideas that you hold about yourself be preventing you from living your best life? It is easy to just go with the flow, but if you never take the time to examine how you got into that flow in the first place. What habits have you unconsciously picked up that need to be addressed? Self-identity starts with being intentional about the things you do and the thoughts you have.

Point 3: Outside vs Inside

Self-identity is not about changing the outside, but what you think on the inside. You can change how you dress, how you style your hair, lose or gain weight, or alter any other aspect of your appearance, but it will not change who you are on the inside. You can be physically beautiful or handsome, but if your self-image is still negative, it will not change anything.

Point 4: What You Deserve

Many times, we struggle with our self-identity because we think we deserve the circumstances we are in. Do you think that you deserve to have more money? If not, you will not work hard to increase your financial resources. Do not be limited by your past. If you think, “I’m only from my village so I cannot hope for anything better,” you will not pursue improvements. You deserve to live your best life.

Summary/Closing Thoughts

This week, as you think about your identity and where you are coming from and where you want to be, ask yourself where you want to go. Are you putting yourself in a position to achieve these things? If you do not work for your dream, or even believe in your dream, nobody else will either. Start doing things today to prepare yourself for where you are going. Do not hold onto ideas and identities that prevent you from growing. Begin to shape your self-identity in such a way that will enable you to live a thriving life!

By: Dr. Gee


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