ASK ME ANYTHING || Questions about Life and Thriving


It is time for a Q&A with the Thriving Generation. Every few months, I send out a call to the Thriving Generation for questions I can answer or topics they want to discuss. If you are interested in being a part of our next Q&A and asking questions yourself, join the Thriving Generation today!

Q: How do you stay consistent with your goals?

I will start off by asking what you are working on and how passionate you are about your goal? If you are not making your goal a priority, you will not have the motivation to keep working on your goals. Are you working on something you are passionate about?

To address the main question, the first thing I would recommend is to find an accountability partner or system. Set reminders on your phone and find another person who can hold you accountable. If you want to lose weight, find someone else who wants to lose weight and hold each other accountable. It really helps for this person to be someone you do not want to disappoint and that you respect. If you do not care what your accountability partner thinks, it is very easy to ignore them.

Q: What do you do when things get tough?

Things will get tough. You have to keep going and push through the hard times. Do not give up! If you are truly motivated to accomplish your goals, when things get tough you will find the strength to push through the challenges. Look for resources that will help you and for others who have gone through similar challenges.

Q: What do you do when you have several tasks to do at the same time?

One thing you can do is prioritize what you have to do. Which things are urgent and need to be done as soon as possible? Which things are long term goals that you can work on tomorrow? If the work has a deadline, especially if you are working for someone else, prioritize that over household chores, which will be there at the end of the day.

Another thing I would recommend is, at the end of the day, write down everything you need to do the next day. Then prioritize what needs to be done vs what you want to be done. If you do not finish your list during the day, carry it over to the following day.

Q: Is the concept of “wellness” new or foreign?

No, it is neither new for foreign. It is the same as wellbeing. As humans, we need to take care of ourselves. It is a little different now that is has been throughout history, since they didn’t work on computers all day back then. We have to be more intentional about exercising and making social connections [in person]. Wellness is not new, but it is taking more effort to focus on.

Q: What do you do when you keep failing?

Failure is hard, but we cannot give up because we fail. If something is failing repeatedly, take a break and look at the procedure/process you are using. Make modifications and see if that helps. It may be the case that your procedure is fine and you just need practice, but it may be an unhelpful habit that is tripping you up. Also, finding someone who has gone down the same path to offer their guidance is helpful for avoiding the failures they experienced.

Q: What are some practical steps for building your finances?

First of all, think about where you are and see if there are needs around you. Can you do something to fill that need? That is how many successful businesses get started. Other steps would be to set aside money for yourself and making sure your money is not stagnant. You can consider investment opportunities, but that is not very helpful if you do not have the capital in the first place.


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